Blog Introduction Blog postings are about the exhibits and the history of Atikokan and area. Many, many visitors comment on their surprise at the extent of the collection and the history they find in Atikokan. It is my hope that virtual visitors will find an...
The Challenge of Teaching It was 1925, and as Andrew Clement explained in “The Bell and the Book” he needed a teaching position, and the community around Miscampbell School Section No. 1 needed a teacher. In describing his first teaching experience, readers are taken...
Music in the Home Without music, life would be a mistake–Fredrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols Imagine the excitement, the sheer headiness of playing music on a phonograph in the 1920s! A favourite recording at your finger tips. No need to learn the music, master...
Shed Rec a painting by Mari (Mary) A. Hegler 1915 – 2010 The experience of living in the north has inspired many residents to express the profound affect of their surroundings in various media. Shed Rec is an inspired painting. The vibrant colours, and the rustic...
Atikokan Museum Mysteries … not just for children Each year there is something new for visitors to the Atikokan Museum. New exhibits, artifacts that have been in storage or newly donated. Children are always welcome, and we consider how they view all the history...
There is a park bench waiting for you The new exhibit for 2020 covers a century of education in Atikokan and area. Located at the museum entrance, the visitors can easily come to see only the featured exhibit. In fact, one exhibit at a time is recommended as it allows...