Artists in the Park

One of the strengths of Atikokan’s museum is the fine art collection. There have been many Atikokan artists, some very well known, others not so much. In the early 1950s Mari Hegler formed the Atikokan Art Club. It was an ambitious and hard working group with a membership of thirty under her guidance. The February edition of the 1958 Steep Rock Echo, has an article showing nine paintings by this group, capturing various aspects of the mines. All are oil paintings on an “Academy” canvas panel by Grumbacher, with identical wooden framing. Originally, a brass plate with the name of the painting along with the artist’s name was on each frame, a very professional presentation. Atikokan seems to inspire painters. The tradition continues to this day with artists gathering in small groups to practise and inspire each other. I can’t think of many communities that can boast an artist-run art gallery.

This summer we are “showing off” paintings from the Museum collection that are not currently on display. Visitors are welcome to linger and enjoy these works of art under the trees in the green space between the Library and the Pioneer Centre. We will protect the art with a canopy, and a Museum staff member will be present. Exhibit time is 2 – 4pm, July 15th and July 29th. All arrangements are dependent on the weather, changes will be announced on our Facebook page.

Our first exhibit is three paintings by Vera Atkin McCuaig 1921 – 2012. Vera was born in London, England where she attended art school until the onset of the Second World War. She then enrolled in an four year apprenticeship with Boots Chemist. During the war she met and married Earl Atkin who was serving with the Canadian Forces. They emigrated to Rainy River, where Earl worked for the Canadian National Railway. They raised their four daughters in Rainy River. When her daughters were occupied with school she returned to painting. Vera later married Stuart McCuaig who was the Metallurgical Superintendent at Steep Rock Iron Mine from 1974 to 1980. Vera’s ambition was to create 2,000 paintings by the year 2000. Should you find a painting signed “Vera”, “V. Atkin” or “V. McCuaig, you will have one of her 2,000 paintings. She was gifted, not just as an artist, but also in cooking, sewing and gardening. In her obituary it is stated that “her door was always open and the cookie jar was always full.”

Join us for lemonade and cookies at our open air exhibit. Linger and appreciate the talent of our community. The canvas canopy, making this venture possible, is courtesy of the Atikokan Home Hardware Store.

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